Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Summer Camp

So all of you know, I will be at Rockbridge the next two weeks.  Rockbridge is the big summer camp for our region (North Carolina, Virginia, and South Carolina).  All the schools in the region are split into two weeks and there are about 750 students that will attend the camp over that time.  It's a really awesome and amazing week for the students and also the staff.  Exams have finished, the school year is over, summer has officially started and the students get to spend a week in the mountains with a ton of other folks from different schools. 

In typical IV fashion there is a main speaker each day, tons of worship music, track time, and a mess of free time.  The students pick a track and stick with that one for the week.  A lot of the training for the next school year will happen at Rockbridge.  There is a small group vision track that is geared to help students learn what it mean to lead a small group and practically how to do it.  They get the opportunity to lead a small group through a passage of scripture and get to hear feed back from the group.  They also get tools for how to study scripture and prepare a bible study for a group of students.  There is also tracks geared solely for non Christian or really young Christians, called following Jesus.  It's a great track that goes through one of the gospels and spends a lot of time examining Jesus' life, death, and Resurrection and what that means for us.  There are several other tracks but I wont get into them all, just wanted to give you a brief taste of what I'll be doing these next two weeks.  

All of the tracks are led by the various staff throughout the region, so be praying for us and it's also a very full and exhausting time for us.   I'll probably blog a few time while I'm here to share some of my thoughts, so don't think I'm taking this time off from here :).  I'm also reading Christianity & Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen and will assuredly have something to say about that book at some point while I am here.

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